
Finding The Quiet

I had an opportunity to get away with my husband for a couple of days. We get away a few times a year for a marriage conference, but the last time we were actually alone together for more than an evening, was a year ago when we celebrated our 25th anniversary.

I was actually pretty excited about this trip. He has a hotel for work, so it meant that I could have some uninterrupted time to work on projects, without a big financial expenditure. You see, when I am at home, I don't want to be staring at a screen. If I am not looking my children in the face, I have lots of little organizing and gardening projects that I need to look at. And don't even let me get started on all the laundry and cooking. Even with several older children, it still requires one person to manage it all.

So life at home is very full, and the first day alone in the hotel room felt pretty amazing. I worked on my computer for a full five-hour stretch before taking a break. It was a whole new experience.

By day two though, the quiet was starting to wear on me. I missed my crazy life. I missed the excitement and intensity of managing my busy household. I missed the hugs and even the refereeing that is such a big part of my days right now.

Sure, I could FaceTime my kids, and do a silly check on teeth brushing and schoolwork through the computer, but there is nothing so wonderful as being around these amazing humans that my husband and I birthed together. 

I am thankful that my husband and I still love each other, after 26 years of marriage. I am thankful that we enjoy being together because I know that someday it will be him and I without all of these children at home. I am also thankful for the quiet times that I have at home. My morning routine of reading my Bible in bed, while I sip my first cup of coffee has given me just enough of a respite to keep me going on those busy days.

But I really love being around my kids, and I am so grateful for the many extra hours that homeschooling has allowed us to have together.

Some of the things that I love doing with my kids;

  • Watercolor painting

  • Reading aloud

  • Nature Study

  • Science projects-
Tinker Crate has been a great resource for us this year!

  • Cleaning 

  • Picking fruit

  • Baking

What are your favorite things to do with your kids?

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