"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10
I love the title of the book, Heaven on Earth. Although I don't know what the spiritual status of the author is, she does understand that Heaven is the ideal we all look forward to. Her dream is to create a heavenly home where children are able to thrive and grow.I believe that when Jesus taught us how to pray, He wanted us to look forward to and believe in His heavenly will being done on earth. Part of his heavenly will is that there will be families that reflect to the world what the kingdom of God looks like. Heavenly minded families are made up of individuals who love God with their heart, soul and mind, and who are led by Holy Spirit.
Many Christian parents either don't know what God's will is, or believe that doing God's will doesn't have much to do with parenting.
I believe that doing God's will has so very much to do with parenting. When we are gifted with children, we are given little disciples. John 15:16 says, "...I have chosen you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain…"
There are many ways of being fruitful for God. Any time that you love your neighbor, or pray for the sick, or even keep your yard tidy, you are in a sense being fruitful. However, I can think of few better ways of being fruitful than by putting effort into mothering the small disciples that God has put in your home.
So before you do anything else as a parent, you must start by being intentional about parenting. This means that you recognize it as a calling, and that you see the small people in your home as eternal souls who are worth pouring into and caring for, if not for the joy of caring for your precious gifts, then for the joy that it brings your Father.
We will talk more about the steps of being intentional in future posts, but one good place to start is by spending time daily praying for your children. The Lord's Prayer or another written prayer can be helpful if formulating thoughts in prayer is difficult. For me, prayer is often conversational, or simply speaking the Word of God over my family.
Another step to being intentional is reading a good book or blog about mothering. The many books I have read have helped formulate a mothering philosophy and have given more meat to the foundational truths in scripture that relate to mothering.
Do you have a favorite book that encourages you to be intentional as a parent?
Some books that I have learned from are-
Home Education- Charlotte Mason
Lies Women Believe
Shepherding A Child's Heart-Tedd Tripp
Heaven On Earth
Families Where Grace Is In Place
Seasons of a Mother's Heart
Montessori in the Classroom
Montessori From The Start
Last Child in the Woods
For the rest of my series on Heavenly Mothering, click here
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