
Summer Goals and Schedules

This summer has been pretty productive so far, we made a doll, hosted a baby shower and planted a big garden. I hoped that we could take it a little slower this summer, we are on a break from 4H and our Apologia science co-op, but there is still so much to do. I sat down this morning after our Bible time and made a list.

Finish preparing for Valley Home Educator conference (I am speaking on teaching history and homeschooling a large family)

Organize next year's school work

                                                                                    Organize school room (this has to be done often)
                                                                                    Finish How Great Thou Art  with the children

                                                                                    Paint the pantry
                                                                                   Go to the beach (again)

All this is in addition to the regular laundry, gardening and finishing up math from last year, but it is amazing how much you can accomplish when you take it day by day. Today so far we did Bible and art, I transplanted a butterfly bush, started home made spaghetti sauce (with onions from the garden) and hung a load of laundry.

However, since the three cups of coffee haven't yet kicked in, I think next on the to do list is take a nap with the three year old.

What are your summer plans?

Cute Ikea Room


  1. Doesn't it always seem like we are behind even before summer really gets started? :o)

    Hope you are able to complete the plans that you have for the summer! You can mark off 'hosting an HMC get together'! Thank you for having us all over to your home the other day... :o)

  2. That was very fun! Thanks so much for making the drive. I hope we can do it once more before school gets going.
