
All In A Day-Time With My Honey

How does a mother of seven (small family here I realize)  find time alone with her husband? When we lived in Mexico we had our "dates" walking up our dirt road to lock the gate, and now that we are in a new, old house that needs lots of work we often have dates to Home Depot. Our favorite time alone over the last few years were regular breakfast dates to Sweetie Pies in the California Gold Rush town of Placerville. We ate a hearty breakfast and then walked through the lovely town, peeking in book stores and checking out the cool baby stores.
We had planned to go on our first tropical vacation alone together last September when we celebrated our twentieth anniversary, but the wonderful gift of a new job for my husband precipitated a move and home purchase instead. We are thinking about going for it now though, the kitchen cabinets can wait, fence repairs can happen later, but taking time for each other and building our relationship is a trade off I am very excited about making.

Check out other big family bloggers here;
Carrie @ Our Full House
Christi @ Ants on a Farm
ElizabethYes They’re All Ours
Kathy @ Kathy Mom of Many 
Kristy @ Homemaker's Cottage 
Lori @ Happy Busy Mama
Monica @ Natural Mama
Renee @ Bakers Dozen


  1. Sounds like fun! I hope you get to go on your vacation soon.

    Also, the link to my blog is not working well for some reason above. It is antsonafarm.blogspot.com if you would like to visit us!


  2. Hi Jennifer, I do hope you get to make that trip a reality. Nothing like a grand vacation (by anyone's standards) to forge memories that you will be able to talk about for years to come. And if your tropical trip takes you through Miami for a plane change, let me know.

  3. I enjoyed reading your post! Thanks for linking up with us!
